
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Alpha Phi Omega As "A Friend"

Image Taken: APO-USA Pledge Manual
(Excerpt from APO Pledge Manual 2013-2014)

Alpha Phi Omega seeks to develop friendship. What do we mean by this? It is not possible to establish a meaningful relationship with the thousands of brothers across the nation or even with every brother in a single chapter. We believe it is possible, however, for all of our members to develop a sense of brotherhood. Shared experiences and an understanding of fraternal history and goals provide a basis for our brotherhood. Brotherhood is the spirit of friendship. It implies respect, honesty and dependability. It means that we overlook differences and emphasize similarities as we join together in unselfish service. It means listening to brothers whose views on issues might differ from our own. It means working closely with people whom under other circumstances we might not choose as our friends.

Being a friend is not easy. It takes work. Every day we must challenge ourselves to be a better friend and to be more understanding, compassionate, welcoming and trusting. A chapter fellowship program provides opportunities for social interaction among all brothers. The goal is to strengthen the chapter by bringing all of the members closer together. Fellowship activities range from structured events, such as formals and dinners, to informal gatherings after a service project. Each chapter has developed its own way of reaching our common goal: making friends through fellowship in the spirit of brotherhood. A successful fellowship program is essential to keep brothers actively involved in APO. That success starts with each of us, for the surest way to have a friend is to be a friend.

Reference: Alpha Phi Omega- Pledge Manual 2013-2014, Retrieved, Accessed 23August2013

N.B. : Blogger Do Not Claim Ownership of this Article. Ownership remain to the Author of APO Pledge Manual 2013-2014